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What Are the Requirements for the Installation of Wall-mounted Charging Piles?

There are many friends and customers who do not know how to install wall-mounted AC charging piles, and what are the installation specifications for wall-mounted AC charging piles? Because wall-mounted AC charging piles are mostly installed in underground and semi-underground garages, they save more floor space than column-type charging piles. Today, Max Power new energy charging pile manufacturers come to solve this problem for everyone.

Wall-mounted charging piles are mostly installed in underground and semi-underground garages in the wall charging stations and should meet the following requirements:

1: The waterproof design of the underground part should be based on the actual project, and the waterproof elevation should be reasonably determined;

2: The position of the charging gun of the wall-mounted AC charging pile charging equipment should not be lower than 0.6m below the ground, and should not be higher than 1.2m above the ground;

What Are the Requirements for the Installation of Wall-mounted Charging Piles?

3: Before the charging equipment of the charging pile, protective measures to prevent the vehicle from hitting the charging equipment should be installed;

4: The wall-mounted EV charging pile built in the same period should be set up in a centralized manner, and should use walls with a fire resistance rating of not less than 2.00h and fire separation facilities such as Class B fire doors, Class A fire shutters, and ordinary parking garages. separated.

5: When the charging pile charging equipment adopts wall-mounted support, the supporting part should be reinforced concrete components, the wall thickness should not be less than 200mm, and the supporting wall should consider the load of the charging equipment.

6: The DC charging equipment should be powered by 380/220V voltage level, and the grounding system of the charging equipment should be TN-S.

7: The low-voltage circuit breaker supplying power to the charging equipment should have short-circuit protection and residual current protection functions. The rated operating current of its residual current protection is 30mA, and the operating time is not more than 0.1s.

8: The DC charging equipment arranged in groups should be powered by a chain.

These are what Max Power Energy gives to all of you about the installation of wall-mounted AC charging piles.

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